Teenager operated art contest asks students to see education as their passport
Athens Intermediate School student Ella Marlowe sees education as a plane, taking her anywhere she wants to go.
Athens High School student Emily Strain has a similar vision, where education gives her the tools needed to travel the world.
Both students placed first in their age category in the Athens Mayor’s Youth Commission Art Corner Contest. The current theme is “Education Is My Passport.” Youth Commissioners asked students to explore how education impacts their lives, such as planning for a career, learning new skills, embracing new opportunities and building self-confidence.
The Youth Commission chooses themes and votes on first place winners and which pieces will be on display in the City Hall Art Corner.
“One of the first areas of City Hall I see when I walk in each morning is our Art Corner,” Athens Mayor Ronnie Marks said. “When I see the art pieces, I see the students’ imaginations brought to life. That’s a wonderful morning greeting.”
The Youth Commissioners use Dekko Foundation money to award $15 to the first place winners in the two age group categories.
“I’m glad our Youth Commissioners have to choose the winners so I don’t have to. That’s a tough job,” Marks said.
Among the submissions for this theme were watercolor entries, sketches, drawings and books. Mary Kate Green, a student at Athens Middle School, created her own passport book that demonstrates how education has influenced her life.
“Teachers have had an impact on me by pushing me to do better…never giving up on me,” she wrote.
She left some blank pages in her book to represent, “What I have in store.”
The artwork shows that young students have dreams about what their lives will be after graduation. Hannah Turner, an Athens Intermediate School student, drew a picture of a plane named Education Airlines. She depicted herself parachuting from the plane into Harvard Law.
The public is welcome to view the Art Corner in the City Hall foyer on Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some of the art pieces submitted also are on display at High Cotton Arts in the Athens Rotary Student Studio. High Cotton Arts is located at 103 W. Washington Street and is open to the public Wednesday through Saturday.
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